6 minTakeaways, Loneliness and Honesty Who were you? Were you the person who took the opportunity to refine your culinary / barista skills, or the one who resorted to the safe...
4 minThe Time ManifestoDo you have enough time? If you don’t, are you doing what’s best and right for you? Time is valuable. Are you spending it wisely? Here...
3 min3 Simple Rules 1. Learn to Prioritise As the saying goes; 'Fail to prepare, prepare to fail' Prioritisation is key to achieving this. What means the...
3 minHaving the tools for the job | RUN | | R U N | Have the tools to get the job done. Don't be the person who is too stubborn to make a change for the greater good. If its going...
3 minThe Virtual World How are we staying motivated to race? | A D A P T A T I O N | Have fun, be safe, stay motivated... But keep it all in balanace. Hi, Josh...
3 minAre you as good as you think you are? Could Cycling be your Running downfall? | A B I L I T Y | Recognition of your true ability can be a tough realisation. Learn to live with...
2 minThis is your Opportunity.| C A P A T A L I S I N G | Making the most of IT when others aren't. Hi, It’s Josh here. This year may not be what you planned it to be....
4 minDo you have what it takes? What are common relationships between the professions of architecture and triathlon? Focus, det...