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Vo2 Max - Everything you need to know

Writer's picture: Josh LewisJosh Lewis

Vo2 max training is tough... really tough. But is it necessary? For some yes... for others, maybe not so much. Let's take a look at what it is, how to improve and everything else you need to know about Vo2 max.

What is Vo2 Max?

Vo2 Max is a measure of an individual's maximum oxygen uptake during exercise. It is an important indicator of cardiovascular fitness and an individual's ability to perform endurance exercise. The higher an individual's Vo2 Max, the more oxygen their body is able to utilize during exercise, allowing them to sustain physical activity for longer periods of time.

Is it important to include Vo2 training for endurance sports?

Yes, Vo2 Max is an important factor in endurance sports. As mentioned earlier, Vo2 Max is a measure of an individual's maximum oxygen uptake during exercise, and it is an important indicator of cardiovascular fitness and endurance. Increasing Vo2 Max can help an individual sustain physical activity for longer periods of time, which is crucial for endurance sports such as running, cycling, and swimming.

Incorporating training methods that specifically target Vo2 Max, such as higher-intensity interval training and endurance training, can help to improve an individual's performance in endurance sports. However, it is important to keep in mind that Vo2 Max is just one aspect of endurance fitness and there are many other factors that contribute to an individual's ability to perform in endurance sports. A well-rounded training program that includes a variety of methods, such as strength training and flexibility work, and other training intensities can help to improve overall endurance and performance in endurance sports.

This being said, not everyone needs the same amount of Vo2 max training. It will depend on your physiological make up at the time of training and exactly what distance you are training for, and how close your threshold speed/power/pace is, to your Vo2 max speed/power/pace as to how much you need to do of each intensity.

How can you measure Vo2 max?

Vo2 Max can be measured using a specialised test called a Vo2 Max test. This test is typically conducted in a laboratory setting under the supervision of a trained professional.

During a Vo2 Max test, an individual performs a graded exercise test on a treadmill or stationary bike while wearing a mask that measures the amount of oxygen they are breathing in and out. The intensity of the exercise is gradually increased until the individual reaches their maximum level of exertion.

The results of the test are used to determine an individual's Vo2 Max, which is expressed in milliliters of oxygen per kilogram of body weight per minute (ml/kg/min). A higher Vo2 Max indicates better cardiovascular fitness and endurance.

Vo2 Max tests can also be conducted using portable devices, such as a fitness tracker or smartwatch, but the results may not be as accurate as those from a laboratory test. It is important to note that Vo2 Max can also be estimated using a variety of equations and prediction models, but these may not be as accurate as an actual Vo2 Max test.

How can I improve my Vo2max?

There are several ways to improve Vo2 Max through training. Here are a few:

  1. Higher-intensity interval training - This type of training involves shorter (2-5minutes) bursts of intense exercise followed by periods of rest.

  2. Endurance training - Engaging in regular endurance exercise, such as running, cycling, or swimming, can also help to increase Vo2 Max. It is important to gradually increase the intensity and duration of endurance training over time to continue making progress.

  3. Resistance training - While typically associated with building muscle, resistance training can also improve Vo2 Max. By increasing muscle mass/ conditioning, the body is able to more efficiently utilize oxygen during exercise.

  4. Altitude training - Training at high altitudes can also help to increase Vo2 Max. At high altitudes, the air is thinner, resulting in less oxygen available for the body to use. The body adapts to this lack of oxygen by increasing the number of red blood cells, which helps to improve oxygen delivery to the muscles during exercise.

In conclusion, Vo2 Max is an important indicator of cardiovascular fitness and endurance. It can be improved through a variety of training methods, including "HIIT", endurance training, resistance training, and altitude training. Incorporating a combination of these methods into a training routine can help to effectively increase Vo2 Max.

What are the negatives of Vo2 max training

While there are many benefits to increasing Vo2 Max through training, there can also be some negative side effects. Here are a few potential downsides to consider:

  1. Risk of injury - Any type of training, including training to increase Vo2 Max, carries a risk of injury. It is important to start slowly and gradually increase intensity to reduce the risk of injury.

  2. Time commitment - Improving Vo2 Max requires consistent and dedicated training. This can be time-consuming and may not be feasible for everyone.

  3. Cost - Some types of training, such as altitude training, can be expensive and may not be accessible to everyone.

  4. Burnout - Training to increase Vo2 Max can be physically and mentally demanding. It is important to listen to the body and take breaks as needed to avoid burnout.

  5. Health concerns - Some individuals may have underlying health conditions that make intense training unsafe. It is important to consult with a healthcare professional before beginning a new training program.

Overall, it is important to carefully consider the potential downsides of Vo2 Max training and to approach it in a safe and responsible manner.

What is a high vo2 max for different levels in sport?

Vo2 Max is typically measured in milliliters of oxygen per kilogram of body weight per minute (ml/kg/min). The average Vo2 Max for a sedentary individual is around 35 ml/kg/min, while trained athletes tend to have higher Vo2 Max values.

It is important to note that Vo2 Max can vary greatly among individuals and is influenced by a variety of factors, including genetics, training, and age. The following are rough estimates of what might be considered high Vo2 Max values for different levels of athletes:

  • Elite male runners: 80-85 ml/kg/min

  • Elite female runners: 75-80 ml/kg/min

  • Elite male cyclers: 85-90 ml/kg/min

  • Elite female cyclers: 80-85 ml/kg/min

  • Elite male cross-country skiers: 95-100 ml/kg/min

  • Elite female cross-country skiers: 90-95 ml/kg/min

Keep in mind that these are rough estimates and actual Vo2 Max values can vary significantly among individuals. It is also important to note that high Vo2 Max values do not necessarily equate to success in endurance sports, as there are many other factors that contribute to athletic performance.

It's tough to navigate the world of physiology, and we always recommend working with people who have the knowledge and experience to make the most of your ability, and help you achieve your goals. Find someone you trust to make your improvement as quick and efficient as possible!


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